International Day Service + 3 more baptisms!

Praise God as through His grace we had a record attendance at this past Sunday’s Sydney ICC International Day as 43 disciples had 103 in attendance! (This was with only six children!) Also, the Spirit added three wonderful baptisms! What has been the main difference in our impact on this atheistic nation from earlier in the year compared to this past month? The 2016 Global Leadership Conference – REVOLUTION! Alfredo Anuch at the Church Builders Workshop shared that in Santiago, he held every Staff Meeting on campus, as well as having all the Campus Bible Talks not meet just once a week but multiple times like Paul did in Ephesus! (Acts 19:8-10) So imitating these radical examples, we now have Bible Talk’s out nightly meeting new people and on Saturday day time for “street evangelism” in the city! Pray for us to be continuously bold because of the cross! – Joe Willis 1 2 3 4 6