November 2023

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The DNA Of A Great Leader Bible Study

Great leaders possess a unique DNA characterized by being both demanding and loving. They set high standards for themselves, others, and even God, while also nurturing a profound love for themselves, others, and their relationship with God. As a new year dawns, it is crucial to reflect on the expectations we will place upon ourselves and the love we will foster in our leadership endeavors.

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Praying Through Psalm 33 – Bible Study

Psalm 33 offers invaluable insights on prayer. It encourages us to incorporate elements such as singing praises, embracing the truth of God’s Word, confessing and giving thanks, offering heartfelt praise, interceding for the world, being honest with God, trusting in His deliverance, and rejoicing in His past faithfulness. By integrating these aspects into our prayer lives, we can strive to deepen our connection with God everyday

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How to move people’s hearts through the Bible

How to Move the Hearts of People – A Bible Study

The article discusses how to motivate and inspire others, taking lessons from Jesus’s life. It emphasizes the importance of understanding different motivations, reflecting on one’s own spiritual journey, and nurturing others with respect and empathy. The piece also advises against using negative tactics such as guilt or manipulation. Drawing on biblical teachings, it provides guidance on fostering change, including prayer, genuine love, personal example, nurturing environments, responsibility, belief in others, knowledge, and rebuke. The emphasis is on compassionate, patient, and persistent effort in guiding others towards spiritual growth and change.

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Discover how Jesus treated his parents in this article!

How Jesus Treated His Parents And Why

Jesus exhibited a perfect example of a child’s behavior toward parents: balancing respect and obedience while fulfilling a higher calling. His interactions with his parents, Mary and Joseph, demonstrated love and submission despite his divine mission. He challenged traditional familial expectations while emphasizing the necessity to prioritize God’s will, even at the cost of familial comfort. Yet, he simultaneously emphasized honoring and caring for one’s parents, providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support. His actions served to guide them (and us) towards God, revealing that true love sometimes entails challenging misunderstandings for the ultimate goal of salvation.

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Wise decision making

Biblical Guidance in Decision-Making 

The article, “Biblical Guidance in Decision Making”, elaborates on integral leadership skills from a spiritual perspective. This entails evidence-based decision making, acting quickly yet responsibly, and weighing the costs of each choice. Leaders are encouraged to seek counsel, connect decisions with scripture, consider impact on relationships, manage criticism, and put their faith at the forefront of their decision-making process. It underscores the role of spirituality in shaping effective leaders.

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Navigating Selfish Ambition and Godly Ambition

The Bible teaches us the difference between selfish ambition and godly ambition. Selfish ambition is about personal gain and often involves dishonesty, while godly ambition aligns with God’s will, seeks to serve others, and brings glory to God. Selfish ambition can lead to personal destruction and separation from God, whereas godly ambition fosters humility, respectability, and independence, encouraging believers to live a life that attracts others to Christ.

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