Beatriz got Baptised!!!

Beatriz is from Brazil. She was invited to our sister church in São Paulo first and studied the Bible with the sisters there. However, opportunity came up for her to come to Sydney to study. Beatriz left her home country at a very young age and came to a foreign land without knowing what to expect. But her spiritual journey with God did not stop. She got connected with the sisters in Sydney and kept up with the Bible studies she didn’t get to finish in Brazil. Facing many new challenges in this foreign place, being far away from families, Beatriz fought with courage and faith. In every situation she has chosen to put God above everything and make God’s kingdom her new family. Finally she made the bold decision to become a true disciple of Jesus. From Brazil to Australia, a beautiful journey, a great transformation and glory be to God!

Beatriz – “second from left”
Beatriz – “second from left”