Christine got baptized!!!

Christine – “second from left”

Christine is a student in Usyd doing her bachelor degree. She came to Sydney at a young age – 18 year old, to pursue a brighter future, not knowing that God has a better plan for her. Christine has been believing in God since she was a child, but she didn’t really know what it means to have a relationship with God or what it means to be a Christian until she studied the Bible with the sisters. A lot of challenges have been exposed to her on her journey of seeking God. To pursue a righteous life, she had to give up a few things. After lots of prayers and fighting, Christine realized what truly matters in life is God and his kingdom. She saw the love and blessings from God and the warmth and encouragement from the kingdom that’s unseen anywhere else. Finally she made a courageous decision to become a true Christian, to enter God’s household and to live a new life for God because of all the sacrifices Jesus has made. She’s very grateful to be part of the family!

Christine – “3rd from the left”