Belinda got baptised!!!

We were delighted to see Belinda’s baptism last night in Parramatta after Bible Talk

Belinda is a student of Psychology at WSU. She was invited to church by her sister who was connected to the disciples in the West region. She’s been studying the Bible and making changes in her life out of a pure desire to be right by God and help save people in this world. By the power of God’s word and the love of the kingdom, she quickly overcame her sin to be a radiant example for God and those around her.

She was already bringing friends to Bible Talk and setting up Bible studies before finishing hers!

We were all impacted by her pure heart and great understanding of the Scriptures, and we can’t wait to see all the ways God will use her to save more people and keep transforming her life.

We love you Belinda and are so proud of you and the brave decisions you’ve made! Welcome to the kingdom!!