A new kingdom mom! Gwenda got baptised!!!

We are beyond excited to see Gwenda get baptised after church this past Sunday!

Gwenda is the mom of our dear disciple Finn. She’s originally from Wales, but lives in Australia, 3.5 hrs away from church. She started coming to church by herself despite the distance as she was inspired by her son’s change. This is also despite health challenges and continuing her radiation therapy.

She is both an Ethiopian Eunuch and Berean in heart, travelling so far for the Kingdom writing pages of notes before and after each Bible study.

She eagerly gets involved in the fellowship each week and has already made so many close friends. This is despite her age and background, proving that once you’re part of the Kingdom of God you have everything in common. We love her bubbly and warm nature as a new mum of the Kingdom.

When Finn announced she was getting baptised the whole church rejoiced with a standing ovation. God is so good and this has truly been a great victory for the disciples converting their families.